I See You

I know you are afraid. Scared of the unknown, hoping for someone to see you. It’s okay. I remember your laugh. The sun rose every morning as you approached a new day full of adventures. Your heart felt warm, full of color. I remember your first fall. You were rough with a gentle tone. Always [...]

Two Year Anniversary

I know most of you reading this is curious to know what this blog post is all about, and what I'm crying about now. Well, today marks two years since I lost my dad. Yep... it's one of those posts. The sad and sympathetic one. The one people probably tired of reading. I'll admit, I'm [...]

Fight, Oh My Soul.

When life seems to pull open crane doors, and shower down pounds of despair I will reach with ache, and grab on to hope When life seems to push me into revolving doors, and cause stumbling misdirection I will gaze upon still waters, where there is no rafting When life seems to pack me into [...]

In the Valley

With tears in our eyes, we experience so much pain. We transform brokenness into masquerades of phoniness With death in our path, we mourn the suddenness We provoke evil thoughts, trying to remember hope What happens when Hope seems so far away? What happens when Trust doesn't seem the right way? We question our nature [...]

Meet pain, gain hope

I lost my dad about six months ago to leukemia, a deadly cancer that has now claimed two of my family members. This was an extremely pivotal point in my life, but it seems as if nothing changed.  To provide context, my dad was diagnosed with this cancer in January of 2017.  This was the [...]